Hello, good morning everyone. I am Jennifer Cuizon, one of the Direct Distributors here in Lifestyles. My Big Why, why am I here is because of my husband. During the pandemic, he had RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. His left knee was swollen. We gave him too many medicines, the pain was relieved but still swollen and it's the same over and over again. Sorry, I don't have slides to show his swollen knee.
The doctor said that his illness would make him "epileptic" because rheumatoid arthritis is in the blood. We never knew that arthritis has so many kinds. Some have extra names. The one he had was in the blood and he was double positive with very expensive medications. Do you know that in 1 week we spent P11,000? We had to make sacrifices for 2 months and then I let him drink the Intra product.
Before he was able to drink, he was already bedridden. I have to carry him because he can't stand it anymore. When he moves he feels pain all over his body. I had him drink Intra and Nutria. After 1 week, slowly he was able to stand up on his own. I was astonished when I saw him stand on his own. He said he feels ok. He was able to walk slowly until the boil on his knee shrunk. The doctor told us that the medication has to be consumed for the rest of his life. Imagine P11,000 per week? Where do we get that much money? Our business is traditional. We can't afford that much. We opted for (Intra and Nutria) instead. Thank God, everything is ok. It took him only 2 months to take the medicines. Thank God.
My sister-in-law also has a PHYLLODES TUMOR. Her breasts were huge! It was during the pandemic and she was scared of seeing a doctor so she avoided that. What happened was the BREASTS GREW BIGGER and WEIGHTED ABOUT 14 KILOS. Just imagine that big! It was so huge and it never had an outlet to burst. What we did was to let her drink Nutria in massive amounts about 15 capsules per day in 1 month. Thank God, it popped out.
The doctor said that she is no longer healthy because she is getting thinner and we would think that all the food that she ate goes directly to her breasts. She underwent laboratory testing and biopsy before and after taking Intra and Nutria. Thank God, the result was benign. We thought it was cancerous but thank God, it was benign. We also had a COVID test result that was negative at the time at the Cebu Doctors Hospital. I was scared that we would get a positive result from COVID. I had a harsh throat at the time. So I drink Intra to avoid being diagnosed positive on the COVID test.
I had high blood pressure but I am the only one who can be with my sister-in-law at the hospital. So I drink lots of Intra. That's the only way to survive for me to attend to my sister-in-law without enough sleep. Thank God, after the biopsy, everything was negative. We thought that she had to undergo chemotherapy but no, everything was negative.
What changed me now? Here in Lifestyles, I experienced Personality Growth. I was never like this before, never wanted to speak on the microphone. When I was in college, I was always seated at the back because I never wanted to speak in front of an audience.
Through training, mentorship of GMD Sheila Ruiz, and the help of my angel upline ED6QL Bernardita Chan of Talisay, this has been a big change for me. To all the Direct Distributors like me, do not surrender, go forward just like GMD Geraldine, one of my inspirations. Her testimonies will make us cry. I learned a lot from them. Thank you so much. To God be all the Glory!
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WARNING: No distributor is allowed to sell at a lower price to non-members to avoid fake products.